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Medical Gas Services

Medical Gas Inspections are needed for two reasons, the first is the obvious safety and regulatory requirements, but the second is to ensure that you have the proper equipment to do your job efficiently and worry-free.

Piped gas systems present certain characteristic hazards, usually related to original construction, modification, or repair. Medical Testing Solutions, repairs and maintains medical gas systems throughout Hospitals, Surgery Centers, and Dental Offices.

All new installations must be Verified by an ASSE 6030 verifier. In a nutshell, medical gas verifiers are there to make sure that your installation was done properly and that there are no immediate or long-term concerns you have to worry about.

A medical gas installer certification candidate is a qualified individual that can demonstrate competence with their scope and will be proficient and experienced in any installation Of medical gas and vacuum systems covered by the ASSE series 6000 standard.
