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Medical Gas Verification
Serving All of USA

Your Guide To Medical Gas Verification

  • New Installations Must Be Verified:

All new installations must be Verified by an ASSE 6030 verifier. In a nutshell, medical gas verifiers are there to make sure that your installation was done properly and that there are no immediate or long-term concerns you have to worry about. These include checking pipes and plumbing for proper installation and code compliance. Verifiers are required to make sure zone valves, alarm panels, medical gas outlets and other equipment within the system are functioning properly. These testing procedures ensure that you have all the proper equipment you need to do your job successfully. You can get a quick quote by calling us at 1+(844) 768-5744, or by using the form to your right.

  • Annual Inspections After Verification:

After your installation and verification, an annual inspection must be conducted to ensure that your new med gas installation and equipment is functioning properly. Also, we offer discounts on Annual Inspections, products, and gas delivery when you become a lifetime member.

  • Common Questions:

The Cost: Cost varies by facility size, but we can usually give you an estimate over the phone, just call 1+(844) 768-5744 or fill out the call back form on this page.

When can we do it: If you need an emergency  medical gas verification and can’t find anyone else to do it the time you need, we’ll be happy to get it done. Just call 1+(844) 768-5744 or fill out the call-back form on this page and we’ll be there when you need us.

What do we need to know before we do it: Scroll down to our verification checklist for important information on how to prepare for your verification.

Your Verification Checklist:

  • Do you have the blueprints for the new and the existing system?
  • Have you put together a risk assessment meeting prior to medical gas shut down that ensures all department heads are aware of the project and its potential effects on the facility’s patients?
  • Do you have at least two times the estimated amount of gas needed to back feed your system? Who is responsible for the medical gas back feed?
  • How "temporary" is your temporary supply? Has your back feed been verified and are all NFPA 99 requirements being met? Will your master alarms still function during your medical gas shut down?
  • Are certified ASSE 6010 installers and ASME IX brazers performing the work?
  • Is the verifying company working for you or the contractor?
  • Will your project be properly documented when complete?

You Should Know These Important NFPA Guidelines on Medical Gas Verifications:

  • NFPA Code

Verification tests must be conducted after all testing required in, after all Installer Performed Tests has been completed.

  • NFPA Code

Anytime modifications are made that alter or "breach" the medical gas pipeline, verification tests outlined in 5.1.12 must be performed on the downstream partitions of the medical gas piping system.

  • NFPA Code

Medical gas systems and pipeline testing must be conducted by technicians meeting the requirements of ASSE 6030, Professional Qualifications Standard for Medical Gas Systems Verifiers.

Get the full NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code

MTS Verification Information:

  • Where a medical gas system is supplied by a bulk oxygen gas or other medical gas supply system, a 3rd party medical gas licensed ASSE 6030 verifier shall conduct a medical gas verification of the new work on the patient side of the bulk system supply source valve. A system that is currently in use, and medical gas piping or components are being added, a licensed ASSE 6030 verifier shall test and verify downstream of the breached piping. A system shall be deemed breached at the point of pipeline intrusion by physical separation or by system component removal, replacement, or addition.
  • A medical gas verifier shall be able to complete report forms that include (at a minimum) data on the location, performance, and status of individual medical gas outlets, inlets, and system valves. The reports shall also include the results of cross connection tests, outlet flow tests, alarm tests, vacuum distribution system tests, gas piping contaminant tests, medical gas particulate tests, medical air compressor contaminant tests, medical gas concentration tests, medical gas manifold inspections, medical air source inspection and medical vacuum source inspections.
  • All of Medical Testing Solutions test instruments are calibrated as per the N.I.S.T (National Institute of Standards and Technology) requirements and documentation of these recordings are kept onsite at all times during testing and verification procedures.

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